I woke up this morning with a decision. Do I run outside or go to the gym and run on the treadmill? Now, if you read my post yesterday you know that today was punishment day. It wasn't rainy, in fact it was a beautiful sunny day. I thought that it would be too pleasurable to run on such a beautiful day so I went to the gym and ran 6 miles on the treadmill. Is that punishment enough? Actually it wasn't that bad. Unfortunately the treadmill wouldn't let me increase the incline for some reason. I don't know if it was the speed or what. So, I couldn't even suffer through hills :(
After my run, I felt great! I came home and cleaned like crazy. It's days like this that make me remember why I am a runner.
Happy Running!
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This is what I did to myself today. My plan was to go for a run in the morning today before my son's soccer game. Did I do it? No. I talked myself out of it.
You know what happens now. Everywhere you go, you see runners. Runners with dogs, runners with friends, runners going solo. This always happens when I decide to skip a run. It's as if everyone else talked themselves into going while I talked myself into being lazy.
Well, my plan is to punish myself tomorrow. Hopefully it will rain during my run and maybe I will throw a hill or 2 in there somewhere.
It is definitely true that the only run you regret is the one you don't do. Take it from me, lace up your shoes and hit the road.
Happy running!
I was inspired by Jill Conyers of "Life as I See it" to give myself a challenge. Her goal is to run 12 half-marathons in 2012. I am not as brave, so my challenge is to run 12 races in 2012. From 5k to maybe a full marathon, I will run a race every month in 2012. Stay tuned for my race schedule. Will you join me in this challenge?
I was thinking about this the other day while on a run. You know when you are out on your run/hike/bike ride and you pass another person enjoying the same activity? Who actually acknowledges your existence?
I know when I am running I usually get at least a nod or smile from my fellow runners. On a hike I usually get an even better greeting. Most hikers have a few words of greeting or more. However, when I pass a biker, I get nothing. It's as if they don't even see me. What's up with that?
I really enjoyed the Inter-Runner Acknowledgement Act from Runner's World Daily that touches on this subject.
So the question is, who do you think are friendlier, runners, hikers, or bikers? And with that, are certain personalities drawn to their sport or do our personalities change depending on the sport we choose. In other words, are friendly people runners or are we friendly because we run? The chicken or the egg dilemma.
Now, I am not saying bikers aren't nice, maybe they are just really concentrating. Weigh in a tell us what you think.
Well, it was cold today but I couldn't stand the thought of running on the treadmill. So, I put on my layers and took to the roads. I wanted to run around 7 miles so I decided to add a hill to my regular route. Unfortunately, I couldn't get my GPS on my phone to lock on so I am guessing I ran about 6.5 miles.
This was a challenging route for me because, if you don't know already, I am not a fan of running up hills. I did notice that once I reached the top of the hill, the rest of my run was a piece of cake.
I passed the corner where I usually see my duck friends, but they were smart enough to stay out of the cold today :)
The sun did eventually come out and I loved every minute of it!
Happy Running!
I went on my "go to" 5 mile route today with my hubby. At around mile 3 there was a flock of ducks that were chilling out along my route. I have come to expect to see them every time I turn that corner. They waddle along and look at me but don't seem scared as I run by. It's as though they are expecting to see me as well. Maybe they are waiting to greet me before they go on their merry way. Kind of a nice incentive to go on a run :)
Do you have something on your run that gets you out the door?
Happy Running!
Well, yesterday I really did not feel like running. I woke up tired, cold, and grumpy. There was no way I was going to set foot outside on that cold and wet cement. The thought of running on a treadmill at the gym didn't work for me either.
I hate to say it, but I am what you might call a fair weather runner. I get cold easily and that first step out the door is really hard if it is cold at all. So, I resort to the treadmill on the cold or wet days. The saddest part about that is that I live in Seattle :( You know what that means. That I run outside twice a year. Well, I guess it's not that bad.
So back to yesterday. I decided to do a couple of chores around the house. Then I got to thinking. I will be mad at myself if I don't get my run in and I want to motivate my readers to get out there and move even when you don't feel like it.
So, I laced up my running shoes, strapped on my i-pod, stepped out the door and started my run. You know what, it was a great run! I ran 5 miles in 40 minutes and I felt great! It even rained on me and I didn't mind. I think this has changed my perspective on running in the rain/cold. It was actually quite pleasant to run in the rain.
Thank you my trusty followers for motivating me to lace up my shoes and go for it!
Happy Running!
Well, I did it! I ran 13.1 miles on October 15th 2011 on a beautiful sunny morning in Leavenworth Washington. The whole family and some friends went for the Oktoberfest weekend and we had a blast.
The race started out at the fish hatchery and entered the Icicle River Trail. This trail is used year round for hiking, biking, cross-country skiing, and horseback riding. It is very flat, but the terrain is quite bumpy. We definitely had to watch our step to make sure we didn't twist an ankle or take a nose dive. Go here to see the race course map.
We continued on the trail for 2 miles and entered the road which I much preferred to dodging horse poo and rocks. This was a nice flat course for the most part and the scenery was beautiful. We passed gorgeous homes, horses, and followed the river for 1/3 of the race.
I have to say that when running, I am not all that observant. My husband and my friend were saying "did you see that house on the course?" or "can you believe that part of the course?" While I was thinking "did we run the same course?" Although I did enjoy crossing 4 small bridges along the Icicle trail and my husband doesn't remember any bridges so I guess we all have our moments.
The last 2 miles we re-entered the trail and at this point it was hard to lift my legs high enough to avoid the tree limbs and rocks. I was ready to be done.
I finally finished and my husband (who finished before me) was waiting for me with a fist bump and a hug. Yay! I'm done. The finisher's medal was really cool. It could also be used as a bottle opener (It was Oktoberfest after all).
We all finished without injury. All in all a good race.
Do you ever get frustrated at how being thin is emphasized over being healthy? Why does society equate skinny to healthy? I know many people who pride themselves on being skinny, but can they climb the stairs without getting winded?
All I know is I have met many adults with diabetes and high blood pressure who haven't been active their whole lives and wonder why their bodies are betraying them. You can't expect to be healthy without putting in the work.
I see women every day who may be thinner than me, but I wouldn't trade bodies with them for a second. I know what my body can do and the work it took to get me there. To me that is the ideal.
My grandmother is 95 years old and has been active all of her life. Up until a year ago, she even mowed her own lawn with a push mower. If God decides to let me live that long, you better believe I am going to keep moving!
Stay fit my friends!
I ran the Leavenworth 1/2 Marathon on October 15th with my friend and my husband (more on this later). This was my friend's first one and she emailed me the night before to ask me if I had any last minute advice for her. Here is what I said:
Layers are good so you can take the top layer off and tie around your waist if you get hot. Moisture wicking socks if you have them to prevent blisters. Clip your toenails short.
Make sure your i-pod is fully charged. Very frustrating to run out of tunes at the halfway point. Been there done that. Really sad :(
If you have a visor or running hat to keep the sun out of your face (supposed to be sunny).
Advil or pain reliever of choice and maybe Tums or Immodium if you get an upset tummy. Also preferred breakfast or pre-running food.
Lastly, make sure you go to the bathroom (if you know what I mean) before the race.
Hydrate today all day.
Don’t stress, it will be really fun!
Too much info? :)
And this is my advice to anyone running a long distance race.
I am a runner. Sometimes I love it sometimes I hate it, but running is a part of me. I love to push my body to its limits and see how far I can take it. I love to know that I can go outside and run for miles and miles. I love that I can do something that makes other people feel like throwing up. I am a runner.
I have lost toenails. I have had chaffing. I have made emergency pit stops on the race course. Yes, I am a woman and I have had to pee in the bushes because the line to the port-a-potty was too long and the race was about to start. I am a runner.
I have almost cried when I found out my favorite running shoe was discontinued. I have used my fair share of Tums and Advil post race. I have limped for days. I have blown my nose on my shirt and spit in the bushes (not ladylike I know). Why do I do this to myself? Because I am a runner and although it is not always pretty, it is something I treasure and with God's help, nothing can take it away from me.
I have run 19 races total from 5k's to a full marathon (only 1) and even though I have never come close to winning any of them, I have enjoyed each and every experience.
Follow along with me as I log my runs, give race advice, post my favorite running gear and whatever else I feel like typing. I hope I can motivate you to lace up your running shoes and take to the trails.
Happy Running!